🐡 Monkey emoji

🐡 Monkey emoji

The emoji πŸ’ (monkey) denotes cheerfulness or mischief.


Monkey Emoji Meanings

🐡 Monkey Face
A smiling, cartoon-styled face of a monkey facing forward. Caricatured like a monkey with brown hair, a tan or pinkish face, round ears, nostrils, and an open-mouthed smile.

πŸ’ Monkey
A tiny ape with long limbs and a tail for climbing trees; a monkey. Often shown as a brown, cartoon-styled monkey with a cheeky face, perched on its hind legs with a long, curled tail and wide ears, and facing left in full profile.

πŸ™ˆ See-No-Evil Monkey
The see no evil monkey, also known as Mizaru (Japanese:, lit. "do not see"), is one of the Three Wise Monkeys. Portrayed as the brown Monkey Face 🐡 with its eyes covered by its hands.

πŸ™Š Speak-No-Evil Monkey
Iwazaru (Japanese:, "say not") is one of the Three Wise Monkeys and his name means "speak no harm." Portrayed as the brown Monkey Face 🐡 with its lips covered by its hands.