β›Ž Zodiac sign emoji

β›Ž Zodiac sign emoji
A zodiac symbol is employed to represent an individual's sign. Sign emblems of the zodiac reveal an individual's essence and his interactions with others.


β™Œ Leo
The astrological sign of Leo within the zodiac. The lion is symbolized by this Zodiac sign.

♏ Scorpio
The astrological sign of Scorpius within the Zodiac. The Scorpio is symbolized by this zodiac sign.

♐ Sagittarius
The zodiac sign Sagittarius in astrology. This symbol of the Zodiac symbolizes an archer.

β™ˆ Aries
The astrological sign of Aries within the zodiac. The Ram is symbolized by this zodiac sign.

♉ Taurus
The astrological sign Taurus within the zodiac. The Bull is symbolized by this Zodiac Symbol.

β™Š Gemini
The astrological sign Gemini within the zodiac. This symbol of the zodiac symbolizes twins.

β™“ Pisces
The astrological sign of Pisces within the Zodiac. The fish is symbolized by this zodiac sign.

β™‘ Capricorn
The astrological sign of Capricorn within the Zodiac. The Goat is symbolized by this Zodiac Symbol.

β™‹ Cancer
The Cancer zodiac sign astrologically. This zodiac signification pertains to a crab.

♍ Virgo
The Virgo zodiac sign according to astrology. The Maiden is symbolized by this zodiac sign.

β™’ Aquarius
The astrological sign Aquarius within the Zodiac. This zodiac sign signifies a bearer of water.

β™Ž Libra
The Libra zodiac sign according to astrology. This is the zodiac signification of weighing instruments.

β›Ž Ophiuchus
Some consider Ophiuchus to be the thirteenth sign of the zodiac. Ophiuchus is represented by a U-shaped mark traversed by an undulating mark.