🍰 Birthday Emojis

🍰 Birthday Emojis

Birthday Emoji Meanings

These are symbols used in birthday parties, it is widely used and popular by everyone.

πŸŽ‚ Birthday cake
A cake with icing and lighted candles, as presented during a birthday celebration. Cake designs are prevalent across platforms. With their white frosting and red berries, the Apple and Google logos resemble a Japanese Christmas cake. Other vendors described a chocolate cake, a pink cake, and/or a sponge cake.

🎁 Gift wrapping
A present or present presented in a bow tie box for a birthday or at Christmas. Depending on the platform, the box and ribbon are often represented as a golden box with a red ribbon-wrapped lid.

Commonly used to symbolise presents and handouts throughout different festivals, festivities, and special events.

🍰 Short cake
A strawberry scone slice covered with whipped cream and garnished with a strawberry. Similar to Birthday Cake, this phrase may be used to symbolise birthday parties or cakes in general.

🎈 Balloons
A ball on a string, similar to birthday celebration decorations. Often shown in red, however the WhatsApp and Google logos are pink and orange-red, respectively.

Used often to express congrats and festivities, particularly when wishing someone a happy birthday.

πŸ•―οΈ Candles
Such as in the shower or during a power outage, the candle is lit. Defined as a white, cylinder-shaped candle with flames and dripping wax.

🀑 Clown face
A clown with two buns, a white face, a red nose, exaggerated eyes and a grin, and a red nose (red or blue). This phrase is often used as a remark on TikTok and other social media platforms to signify that someone is foolish, stupid, or selfish.

🎊 Confetti Balls
Two sides of a golden ball separated by a spray of colourful confetti and ribbons.

πŸŽ‰Popper Party
One that sticks out during the party, such as exploding into a spray of confetti and headbands. Usually depicted as a golden party hat, striped on some background, at a 45° angle, with multicolored confetti and bands emanating from its opening in the upper right. The cone of Twitter is red.

πŸ“… Calendar
An individual date on the calendar. Commonly characterised as a square white paper pulled off a daily desktop calendar, indicating the day and month.

🍾 Bottle with pop button
The cork of a champagne or sparkling wine bottle with a green label bursts out to release the froth inside. Used for several celebrations, including New Year's Eve, birthdays, weddings, and other successes in life.